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Private Pilates

One-on-one Private Pilates is a wonderful way to improve strength and flexibility.

Our private pilates instructor will compile a specific class set for each patient’s needs based on what they ask for, or what their chiropractor prescribes. Most pilates students come to private sessions to help rehabilitate from an injury, improve focus on muscular alignment, and increase flexibility. Private Pilates sessions are suitable for beginners and advanced students.

A typical Pilates workout includes a number of exercises and stretches. Each exercise is performed with attention to correct breathing techniques and abdominal muscle control. To gain the maximum benefit, you should do Pilates at least two or three times per week. You may notice postural improvements after 10 to 20 sessions.

Not only is health a normal condition, but it is our duty to not only to attain it but to maintain it.

-Joseph Pilates



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