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Personal Injury Patients

We accept Personal Injury patients for chiropractic care on a case-by-case basis. If you have been in an auto accident and have sustained injuries, we may be able to help. We know this is a stressful time, so we will do our best to ensure your care runs smoothly.

Auto Insurance

Your auto insurance, or the insurance of the other party involved, may pay for your care. The auto insurance of the involved drivers will investigate and report who is deemed at fault.

Medical Payment (Med Pay)

If you have Medical Payments through your auto insurance it can help to pay your medical fees up front, so you do not have to pay out of pocket. It does not matter whether you were the at-fault party or not to use your Med Pay.

If you were not deemed at-fault by the auto insurances, your premium cannot legally increase if you decide to use your Med Pay. If often costs only about $50-$100 every 6 months. If you are unsure if you have Med Pay or not, please call your insurance, it can be a big relief in times like these!

Personal Injury Attorney

Although not needed, we do recommend a Personal Injury Attorney if you are not comfortable negotiating for a settlement with the at-fault Auto Insurance. Settlement negotiations can be very stressful, especially if you do not know your rights.

You are fully responsible for payment for your services, and an attorney can help to make the process easier. If you are looking for a P.I. Attorney, we do have recommendations for attorney’s we have personally worked with in our office before. Give us a call!

Let us help!

Prior to Scheduling

In order to ensure we are the best fit for your care, we will require a few preliminary bits of information from you. When calling to schedule an appointment, we will need the following information. Please have it ready when calling to schedule:

  • Auto Insurance Declaration’s Page
  • Do you have Medical Payments through your Auto Insurance?
  • Were you deemed “at fault” by your, or the other party’s auto insurance?
  • Auto Insurance Information (Policy ID#, Claim #, Adjuster Information – if available) for both parties involved.
  • Attorney Information – if applicable


Upon scheduling you will be emailed the Personal Injury New Patient Intake to complete and bring to your appointment.

Please expect your first Personal Injury New Patient appointment to take approximately 1 hour from start to finish.


Each Personal Injury Case may vary widely, therefore the Office Manager will discuss with you your billing options for treatment. You may be required to make a partial payment at each visit depending on your billing situation. We will do our best to ensure you have a smooth process, with no surprises, as best as we can!


Your first session with the doctor will consist of a Consultation, Examination, Report of Findings, Treatment, and Wellness Program, just like in a regular new patient visit. However, you will discuss the details of the accident with the doctor, and the injuries incurred as a result of the accident.

You will also be given a treatment plan in which you are to schedule follow-up appointments as directed, and complete home self-care to ensure the quickest and fullest recovery to pre-injury status as possible.

Ask about Red Light Infrared Therapy with your Massage!