The spine is made up of 24 vertebrae, or spinal bones, each responsible for a small amount of movement. This allows a person to move freely through life for everyday activities such as looking over the shoulder to back out of the driveway or for more intense activities such as throwing a fastball.
When any one joint of a vertebrae gets stuck or jammed, the nearby joints will work harder and stretch further in an attempt to compensate for the decreased range of motion of the stuck joint (termed a “subluxation”).
This leads to the improper and imbalanced motion of the spine and irritation of the surrounding structures, including the nervous system. Many serious issues can arise from the imbalance and irritation.
The most familiar issue, but not necessarily the most concerning, is pain. Other issues include faulty muscular coordination leading to joint damage such as arthritis, hypersensitivity reactions of systems other than the muscles such as digestive issues, allergies, and chronic fatigue.
The chiropractic adjustment restores proper motion to the spine and allows the body to resolve the irritation of the muscles, joints, and nervous system. The effects are scientifically-validated and AMAZING!